Fire Emblem was an impulse buy this week, since I have wanted to get it since it was announced. So was Metroid, actually. I have been wanting to add it to my Wii collection for a while and found a good price on eBay.
Splatoon, however, was pre-ordered for a while. I’ve been looking forward to this game for a long time. Recently, I took part in the Splatfest World Premiere for Team Rock and had a blast. I’m glad to finally be able to hold this game in my hands.
I pre-ordered Splatoon 3 online, hoping to be lucky and get the game a day earlier, like a lot of other people. The package was dropped off today (release day) at around 2:30 PM. Actually the tracking suggested it may even be delayed by one day. Next time, I will just go to the store and pick the game up myself.